Museum Bank Indonesia , Travel history With Education Payload
Looks like a nice visit to the museum more when made properly in filling holiday agenda , because not only just for entertainment but also useful for educating the visitors. In Jakarta there is the Museum of Bank Indonesia , located on Jl . Great Northern Door No . 3 West Jakarta Kota BeOS next station . The museum occupies an old building that also have a role to Bank Indonesia before the plan of the City of europe time . The store countless cultural relics reserve De Javasche former Bank up year 1828. Here visitors can get a variety of information in connection with travel history Indonesian people in western nations to influence the presence and this results in Bank Indonesia , how participation in Jump start policies of Bank Indonesia at that time and its influence on the economic life of the people of Indonesia with the way the whole current range until year 2005 .
Features museum itself however is in an old building , but the information is updated in such a way catering to wear POSITION modern development and multimedia sophistication ,
this sort of thing , it appears from the tools of her model wearing Plasma TV , electronic displays , dioramas to not merely make it easier , but also the convenience of anyone who travels to the Museum of Bank Indonesia . Beyond that, there is also a collection of historic objects when the government of the archipelago such as the numismatic collection . Bank Indonesia (BI ) itself was established to mobilize the role of the central bank of the country, can be called BI agency that is vital in the life of the national economy , but also because any policy that is made by the BI will take effect immediately be felt by inhabitants . The word museum is made so that people can know the closer or more in BI problems from time to time , plus BI Museum itself has also documents the historical things that managed to provide enough useful information to satisfy the taste would know and wishes the government to educate the population and give an insight on the broad way in BI with the economic life of the country. As one among the existing building in Jakarta City Tenacious will history omission , BI Building City intends to use to museum policy direction of the Government of the Special Capital District of Jakarta which declared the district of the old city for an expansion location for cultural reserve areas / buildings revitalization historic Old Town district . BI Museum hopes to be a gathering area agencies , store, protect and preserve various historical objects during a trip BI existence . Intended to encourage museum attendance and improving the tourism concurrent changes in the same area .
To reach the Museum of Bank Indonesia , you can take the busway and stop off at the Trans Jakarta Kota , when you can ride down the city railway station . Museum is open to the public within 08.00- 15.00 every Tuesday - Friday ,
and Saturday - Sunday open from 08.00-16.00 and it is free pass (free ticket entry), the museum closed on Mondays and other national holidays . Accommodation shaped hotel near the museum there Batavia Hotel , Grand Asia Hotel , or Sanno Hotel could be the choice for you to get rest .
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