Pacific Tsunami Museum At Hawaii ( North America)
Indonesia and Hawaii has some similarities. One of them that is both the country has a potential tsunami waters. The magnitude of the tsunami threat to Hawaii Pacific Tsunami Museum has applied to be one of the information about natural disasters .
On 1 April 1946 tsunami due to the earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale near the Aleutians, a location close to Hilo. The first wave as high as 35 meters strike and there. Carrying 159 people on the Big Island were killed, 96 of them people of Hilo. Learn from the event in 1948 then early warning system to know the seismic motion in the wake .
Other stories about the tsunami also took place on May 23, 1960. At that time, Chilean suffered a 9.5 Richter scale earthquake that caused a tsunami in the Pacific waters. Hilo - also take the suffer. The last time the tsunami waves at night and destroy Waikea Town district. This time recorded 61 people killed.
Pacific Tsunami Museum built not only to relive the bad moments. More over these small museum has a mission to educate the community about the Hilo tsunami preparedness. Not surprising that visitors also vary, starting from tourists, adults reach school children .
Inhabited building is the only building that survived the rampage of the tsunami, the Pacific Tsunami Museum exhibition contains good information on serve with a static or interactive way. News clippings, photos, and text describing the tsunami in Hilo become one of the museum's collection. Visitors will be able to operate a machine that can demonstrate how the tsunami devastated settlements can take place and citizens. Not just that, the Pacific Tsunami Museum also teaches how evacuation when the natural phenomenon took place .
A video history tsunami will also provide information to us about the ins and outs of a tidal wave. Manager museum seemed very happy to explain to visitors about tsunamis, including how to develop citizens who are alacrity around the coast. Hilo is probably not often mentioned when discussing the middle of a tsunami. Yes, despite countless area at risk but 'the popularity' lose by the Japanese .
Having love to see all the collections of museums and out of the building you can see the bay. From that point we can figure out how fast you can head band early evacuation when the tsunami warning sounded.
Located at 130 Kamehameha Ave, Hilo, can you visit the museum every Monday to Saturday at 09:00 to 16:00. Entrance tickets costing $ 8.00, specifically for children ages 6-17 years $ 4.00 and children under 5 free. To reach this location you can take bus route 19.
Other tourist destinations in Hilo who love to pass so easily that is Coconut Island, Waipo Valley and Rainbow Falls .
Over there you can spend the night in Hilo in Hilo Seaside Hotel, Naniloa Volcanoes Resort and Castle Hilo Hawaiian Hotel.
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